Shipping & Returns Policy

How much does shipping cost?

We've tried to make it free shipping to most metro areas, BUT (and you knew there was a but) we simply can not ship everywhere in Australia for free. We have compiled a handy postcode list of all the lucky winners who can take advantage of the free shipping here. There’s only so much moolah we can fork out ourselves. So if you chose to live in the land of unicorns and rainbows, we might have to add a teensy-weensy bit extra for your Fluffy Goodness, which will be calculated at checkout. If you like it, it will be smooth sailing to your doorstep, if you don’t… Why not shut that browser and let that fluffy throne dance around your noggin' every second of the day?

How long does delivery take?

We're like speedy Gonzales when it comes to getting your order into our courier's hot little hands! Give us 24 hours (excluding weekends & public holidays) and we'll have it on its way. Delivery times vary depending on your location, but you'll usually have your Fluff Daddy in 2-7 business days. Unless you're way out in the boonies, then we might need a few extra days! If your package goes AWOL or decides to take the scenic route, don't fret, just hit us up at and we'll send out a search party and have it back on track in no time!

When will my order be sent?

Here at Fluff HQ, we love our weekends and public holidays just as much as you do! It's our time to let our hair down and party, ahem we mean, catch up on some much-needed R&R. But don’t worry, you can trust us to get your order shipped within 24 hours on business days, Monday through to Friday.

Can I ship it to a Postal Box?

Unfortunately, we haven’t quite worked out a magic solution to fit these bad boys into a postal box yet. So that means we can’t ship to a PO Box.

I changed my mind I want to return my Fluff Daddy.

Wait, hold up...have you even sat on it yet?

Don't worry, if for some reason you're not feeling the Fluff Daddy vibes, we've got a 30-day change of mind return policy. BUT (and you knew there was a catch, didn't you?), you gotta fork out the moolah for the return shipping which will be calculated as per our courier rates. This is because we subsidised the freight to you and we can't subsidise the freight again if ya wanna return it. And, oh, just to let you know, we're not refunding your original shipping charges either. Sorry-not-sorry!

The next catch is, it's gotta come back to us in tip-top shape. No animal hair, no shoving it in a box that's meant for a fridge (yup, someone tried that), and for the love of all things fluffy, don't slap a bunch of random tape on it either. If your Fluff Daddy comes back looking a bit rough around the edges and we can't find a new home for it, we might have to cling onto more of your moolah (maybe you should have sold it on the marketplace?). Normally, you'd get a refund minus shipping, but if we can't resell it, we'll have to charge a $50 "unsalable change of mind" fee. So, be kind to your Fluff Daddy and it'll be kind to you!

Hmmm that's not how my order’s supposed to arrive?

Holy cannoli! What in the world happened?

Listen, it doesn't happen often, but sometimes we make boo-boos or the delivery guys turn our colossal boxes into a game of hot potato (just between us, the couriers are the "we" here because our squad is flawless)…

If you get a totally different colour than what you ordered, or your Fluff Daddy is in a bad way, just send us an SOS at with a photo (or 10) and we will get it all sorted for you ASAP.

So here’s the dealo, we've got three solutions to make things right:

  1. We'll swoop in and trade your damaged (or wrong colour) for a shiny, brand-new Fluff!
  2. If you're not feeling the Fluff anymore, we'll give you a full refund and happily take it back (which we will organise)
  3. If you don't mind a little imperfection, we could give you a partial refund based on the damage (or we could work something out if you wanna keep the wrong color).