The fluff-tastic story...

Let’s talk about us for a moment... Who are we? We're a quirky squad of amazing humans on a mission to bring you the comfiest chair in the universe. Yup it’s that simple. We're all about having a chuckle (who doesn't love that?), shedding a tear or two (ugh, customer service can be a rollercoaster), and decking out your space with a seriously stylish throne (cue the Fluff Daddy).

You might have spotted our famous chair doing the rounds...Yes, that's the one! The chatty chair that's been making waves has arrived in Australia! Get ready for some snuggly, gooey goodness that'll make you want to stay put forever! Our fluffy friend is just waiting to give your home an extra dollop of coziness!

"Why settle for one chair?" you ask. "Why not?" we say! Our Fluff Daddy chair is the king of cozy, wrapped in a thick, chunky corduroy that's so fun to swivel around in, you'll never want to leave. And if you're lucky enough to snag two, the possibilities for fun and games are endless (check out our Tik Toks for proof). Plus, with its reclining feature, dad can kick back and enjoy his afternoon siesta in total comfort. It's time to get fluffed up!